
  • mineral oil myths debunked

    7 Skincare Ingredients With An Undeserved Bad Reputation

    WTH? Parabens will give me breast cancer? Propylene Glycol is an anti-freeze? Even talc isn’t safe anymore? What have I been doing to my children all this time?! *throws away all skincare products* I hear ya. Consulting Auntie Google to find out what’s lurking in your skincare products is scary. According to her, EVERYTHING will […]

  • red dye 33

    Red 33: Is It Dangerous?

    Ever wondered why natural lipstick shades come only in boring nudes or unassuming pale pinks? It’s not lack of creativity. Or customer demand. It’s luck of dyes. There are some colours you simply can’t achieve with natural dyes. Red is the main one. Natural red dyes are usually too sheer, don’t adhere well to the […]

  • lead in lipstick

    What’s The Truth About Lead In Lipsticks?

    Say what?! There’s lead in my lipstick?! *throws them all away* Calm down, ladies! I know, the rumour is scary. Lead is no joke. It can do you some serious harm. But, no one is going around sprinkling your lipsticks with lead. Yet, somehow that sneaky little thingie manages to bypass security and slather its […]

  • drunk elephant beste no9 jelly cleanser

    Should You Avoid Products With Sulfates?

    Remember the good old days when shampoos actually cleaned hair? Now, they always seem to leave a slick of oil and a layer on buildup all over your locks. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit. But, if you’re fellow oily-haired girl with a mane that pumps out grease like there’s no tomorrow, you know what […]

  • ingredients to avoid in nail polish

    Should You Avoid These 3 Common Nail Polish Ingredients?

    Have you noticed? These days you can’t buy a nail polish without someone telling you what’s NOT in it. “Buy me, I’m free fom Toluene!” “No, pick me!  I’m free from Toluene AND Formaldehyde”. It’s like a race. The brand that removes the most “nasties” wins. But are there any nasties in nail polish? Mmmm… […]

  • benzyl salicylate in skincare

    Is Benzyl Salicylate Safe?

    Let me guess… You’re here because you’ve had an allergic reaction to a skincare product and are wondering if Benzyl Salicylate could be the culprit. Let’s find out: What Is Benzyl Salicylate? Benzyl Salicylate is an ester of Salicylic Acid and Benzyl Alcohol. You can find it in cloves and several fragrant essential oils. At […]