Ultimate Transformational
Life Coach Training (Bundle)
An Integrated Evidence-Based Approach to Positive Psychology and Solution-Focused Coaching
Online & Self-Paced
- Start anytime
- Online and Self-Paced
- Eclectic approach to coaching

Work with clients to increase self-awareness, overall well-being, enhance strengths, optimize performance, and achieve valued goals for success!

UCI’s upgraded Life Coach Training program is now combined with the Transformational Coach Training program. This program is an integrated, evidence-based approach to Positive Psychology and Solution-Focused Coaching.
Upon completion, you will receive certifications in life, solution-focused, positive psychology, and transformational coaching.
Every individual has the resources within themselves to change their self-concept and attitudes resulting in behavior change.
Through our Transformational Life Coach Training program, you will learn how to help your clients discover their untapped potential that’s waiting to be unleashed.
You will learn how to help your clients achieve great success and transform any and every area of their life.
Coaching Training Curriculum
Life Coach Training
Learn How to Coach
In this course, you will learn UCI’s GIIFTS Coaching Model that will get you and your clients results. Learn the basic skills of coaching, how to coach, and how to conduct a coaching session.
- Introduction to Coaching
- Understanding the ICF
- Getting Started as a Coach (Including Confidence & Business Aspects)
- Using Questions in Coaching
- The Art of Listening
- Acknowledging and Empowering Your Clients
- Goal Setting and Action Planning
- Programming Goals
- Being Ethical and Professional While Coaching
- How to Suggest Therapy
- Preparation for the Coaching Session
- How to Conduct the First Free Session and Close the Sale
- How to Coach using UCI’s Signature GIIFTS Coaching Model
- How to Laser Coach
- How to Discover What Your Client Really Want
- Motivation and Keeping Clients Motivated
- How to Read Your Clients for Effective Empowerment

Solution-Focused Coach Training
Evidence Based Coaching
In this course, you will learn the Solution-Focused Coaching model, which is an evidence-based approach to coaching.
- How to Run an Effective Solution-Focused Coaching Session
- How to Focus on the Solution and Not the Problem
- Use the “Future Perfect” to Discover What the Client Really Wants
- Identify the Solutions, Even When It’s Not Obvious to the Client
- Solution-Focused Goal Setting
- Solution-Focused Action Planning
- How to Increase Your Client’s Commitment to the Goal
- How to Identify and Overcome Roadblocks Your Client May Have
- How to Conduct Follow-up Sessions

Positive Psychology Curriculum
- Introduction to Positive Psychology
- The Art of Working with Values
- The Art of Working with Strengths
- Positive Psychology Coaching Framework
- Positive Psychology Elements & Interventions
- Coping
- Increasing Happiness
- Positive Emotions
- Resilience
- Coaching Clients To Find Life’s Purpose
- Coaching Clients to Find Passion in Life

Transformational Curriculum
Coaching Behaviors & Resistance to Change
- Introduction to Transformation
- Stages of Change (Transtheoretical Model)
- Coaching Resistance to Change (Motivational Interviewing)
- Strategies for Evoking Change Talk
- Coaching Behavior Change
- Awareness of the Need for Change
- Coaching a Client to Take Full Responsibility
- Coaching a Client Who Blames Something or Someone For Their Problems

Coaching Mental & Emotional Blocks
- Introduction to Transformation
- Stages of Change (Transtheoretical Model)
- Coaching Resistance to Change (Motivational Interviewing)
- Strategies for Evoking Change Talk
- Coaching Behavior Change
- Awareness of the Need for Change
- Coaching a Client to Take Full Responsibility
- Coaching a Client Who Blames Something or Someone For Their Problems

Emotional Intelligence for the Coach & Client
- Emotional Intelligence for Coaches
- Emotional Self-Awareness While Coaching
- How to Manage Your Emotions While Coaching
- Self-Motivation as a Coach
- Coaching w/ Empathy
- Managing the Coaching Relationship
- Emotional Intelligence for Clients
- Emotional Self-Awareness
- Emotional Management
- Motivation
- Social Skills
- Anchoring Feelings (NLP)

1-Year Subscription to UCI’s Membership
UCI’s Membership
Coaching Tools
- Powerful Questions Worksheet
- Goal and Action Plan Template
- Client Preparation Worksheet
- Coaching Feedback Worksheet
- Coaching Session Agenda Form
- Coaching Journal
- Accountability Checklist
- Group Coaching Package
- And more...
Client Welcome Packet
- Welcome Letter
- Intake Form
- Background Questionnaire
- Self-Assessment Worksheet
- Policies and Procedures
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Payment Arrangement Form
- Client Invoice
- And more...
Coaching Exercises
- Creating a Strong Foundation
- Creating Your Vision
- Identifying Life Drainers
- Life Satisfaction Rating Table
- Letting Go of the Past
- Stress Identification Tools
- Guilt Coaching Exercises
- Limiting Belief Coaching Exercises
- And more...
Payment & Finance Forms
- Cancelation Recovery Letter
- Failed Payment Letter
- Termination Letter
- Contractor Information Form
- Income Snapshot
- Month-to-Month Trending
- Business Checklist
- Expense Checklist
- And more...
Wealth Building Tools
- Expand Your Thinking
- Increasing Your Wealth
- The Wealthy Mindset
- Attaining Financial Abundance
- Day to Day Spending
- Debt Repayment Tracksheet
Business & Marketing Center
- 60-Day Digital Marketing Plan
- Design a Client Attracting Website
- How to Get 3 New Clients This Month
- The Coach's Success Path
- How to Price & Package Coaching
- How to Create a $10K Coaching
- How to Close the Sale
- How to Create a Course
- And more...
In The Student Center, You’ll Get Access To:
Coach Training Lessons
All your coach training lessons in one place. You will have lifetime access to your videos, audios, and notes.
Coach Community
Learn from and network with other students and coaches. Join our Facebook community. Work with a coaching buddy.
When you need help, we are here for you. Take advantage of our coaching calls, email, voice messaging, and forum support.
The Coaching Kit: Coaching Exercises
Learn powerful coaching techniques to help your clients attain goals and become successful in life.
The Coaching Kit: Tool & Forms
Get access to a library full of coaching tools, coaching exercises, resources, books, articles, gifts, and more to use with your clients.
The Coaching Kit: Business Center
Get access to business and marketing trainings. Learn how to set up your business, get clients, marketing and more.
Meet the Trainer

Ayisha Amatullah
Founder/Coach Trainer
Life Coach
Solution-Focused Coach
Master NLP Practitioner & Trainer
Positive Psychology Practitioner
Support You Will Recieve

Phone Support
Audio Messaging Support
Email Support
Community Support
Learning At Your Fingertips
100% Online Learning
Mp3 Audios, Videos, and Lessons in PDF
Downloads Only!
No Shipment

Meet Our Students
Angie Atkinson
Built a Coaching Empire!
Bruce Dorsey’s
Life Changed!
Mernice Oliver
Thriving Coaching Practice
Take a Tour
Become Certified

Try Before You Buy!
Enroll Today!
Payment Plans
$350 for 2 months
Start Any Time
At Your Own Pace
Life Coach Training Foundation Course
Solution-Focused Coach Training (10 ICF CCE Hours)
Positive Psychology Coach Training
Transformational Coach Training
Tools, Exercises, Forms, & Resources Coach Training
Business & Marketing Training
Coach Community
Lifetime Access to Your Coach Training Recordings
1-Year Subscription to UCI’s Membership
4 Certifications
Refund Policy: When you register for self-paced online program you get immediate access to all of our training to be downloaded to your computer. . Therefore, Once your payment or deposit has been made and you have accessed your Course or the Student Center we do not offer refunds. Any request for refunds will be denied. If you choose the payment plan option, we will cancel your remaining payments. We encourage you to “Try Before You Buy” by accessing the free lessons available above. By choosing to purchase this program, you understand and agree that your purchase is non-refundable.
UCI’s one-of-its-kind transformational coach training and certification program is unique because of its based on an eclectic approach to coaching, which includes best practices from the fields of:
- Positive Psychology
- Solution-Focused Therapy
- Cognitive Therapies
- Life Coaching
- Mindfulness
An eclectic approach is an open, integrative style of coaching that incorporates a variety of principles and philosophies that adapts to the unique needs of each specific client, depending on the problem, the goals, expectations, and motivation.
An eclectic coach will draw from a variety of disciplines, customize the coaching process, and use a range of proven methods to determine the best combination of coaching tools to help the client.
The eclectic approach to coaching is not mixed and matched; it is thoughtful, integrated, and systemic in nature.
Upon successful completion you will download a soft copy of your certificate.
- Soft Copy certificates are free.
- Hard copies of certificates will only be issued upon request.
- The fee for hard copies is $25 for U.S. students. Price varies for students outside of the U.S.
The self-paced program is at your own pace. You will receive certificate of completions as you progress through each course. With diligence it can take 12 weeks to complete.
You will access course materials in the online student center.
The training has video, audio, and notes.
We do not mail books or videos.
To complete the self-paced program and receive the certificate of completion you must:
Complete all assignments and quizzes.
You have unlimited access to the coach training and certification course.
If you have not completed the program after one year you will have to renew your membership for $100.
When you join, you have a one-year membership to the rest of the student center. This includes the Business & Marketing training, The Coach’s Success Path, Tools, Exercises, Library, Live Calls, and more.
The self-study program is pretty straight forward. You will study each lesson, complete the quizzes or assessments and upon completion you will receive the certificate of completion.
The self-paced program is self-paced.
If you would like to complete the program in the recommended 12-weeks we suggest 3-4 hours per week.
Up to 2-hours of video watch time per week
1-2 hours of homework, most weeks.
Nothing fancy!
You just need a computer with access to the web.
You should be able to stream videos and download/upload materials like photos and documents.
This program is only for the most committed individuals.
This program is for you if you are passionately drawn to coaching, starting a coaching business, and assisting in changing lives.
If leaving the door open to quit is a strong concern for you, we invite you to take it as a sign that this program is not right for you.
When you sign up for the self-paced program, you are also getting access to our materials that you can download to your computer to keep.
Therefore, we do not offer refunds for the program.
If you choose the payment plan option, we will cancel your remaining payments.
We encourage you to “Try Before You Buy.“
UCI is an ICF CCE – Continuing Education provider.
Through our Solution-Focused Coach training program, you can only receive 10 ICF hours to go towards your ICF accreditation.
We do not offer the full 60 ICF hours for ICF accreditation.
Please note: You do not need to be ICF accredited because the ICF does not regulate the coaching industry and upon successful completion of this program, you will become a Certified Coach.
After completing this program will I be ICF Accredited?
No, However, you will be certified through Universal Coach Institute if you take the live online class. But not, ICF accredited.
No. The coaching industry is not regulated. There is no official certification or license for you to become a professional coach (life coach, business coach, etc.) in the USA.
There are many educational programs like UCI that will award you with a certificate upon completion. This means that you have been trained as a coach and have successfully completed a training program. With training and certification, you will be more credible to clients as a coach.
The ICF is a voluntary organization that attempts to govern and regulate coaching. Although legally, they have no power to do this, within the coaching profession, they are viewed as the strongest of organizations.
Keep in mind that over 95% of clients will not have heard of the ICF and thus care more about certification titles and training then governing bodies.
Clients generally do not know who the ICF is and what they do. Clients are most often only concerned that you are trained and certified.
However, if you are seeking employment with large organizations, they often look for ICF accredited coaches when hiring.
Upon successful completion of the self-paced, you will receive:
- Life Coach Certification
- Solution-Focused Coach Certification
- Positive Psychology Coach Certification
- Transformational Coach Certification
Enroll Today!
Payment Plans
$350 for 2 months
Start Any Time
At Your Own Pace
Life Coach Training Foundation Course
Solution-Focused Coach Training (10 ICF CCE Hours)
Positive Psychology Coach Training
Transformational Coach Training
Tools, Exercises, Forms, & Resources Coach Training
Business & Marketing Training
Coach Community
Lifetime Access to Your Coach Training Recordings
1-Year Subscription to UCI’s Membership
4 Certifications
Refund Policy: When you register for self-paced online program you get immediate access to all of our training to be downloaded to your computer. . Therefore, Once your payment or deposit has been made and you have accessed your Course or the Student Center we do not offer refunds. Any request for refunds will be denied. If you choose the payment plan option, we will cancel your remaining payments. We encourage you to “Try Before You Buy” by accessing the free lessons available above. By choosing to purchase this program, you understand and agree that your purchase is non-refundable.