Student Agreement

Last updated: May 23, 2018

By accessing Universal Coach Institute’s Courses, Programs, Student Center or Materials we assume you accept this agreement in full. Do not continue to use Universal Coach Institute’s  Courses, Programs, Student Center or Materials if you do not accept all of the agreement stated on this page.

In using Universal Coach Institute’s Courses, Programs, Student Center or Materials you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following agreement:

I understand that coaching is NOT A FORM OF THERAPY although coaching may be used in conjunction with therapy.

I understand that through our coaching classes we will be learning about HOW TO BECOME A COACH.

I understand that I am training with the UNIVERSAL COACH INSTITUTE, LLC (UCI).

I understand that my instructor/ mentor is not a doctor and thus not able to give medical (mental or physical) advice from a medical standpoint.

I understand that I may receive class materials and other information in my email.  I give UCI permission to send me emails.

I understand that I will not give away any materials within the program.

I understand that I will not sell any materials within the program.

I understand that I will be a certified coach upon completion of this program, assuming I meet the requirements as stated by this company.

I understand that what we discuss during classes are confidential, unless I indicate, in any way, that I would harm myself or others, then the proper authorities will be notified.

I understand that my instructor/mentor does not control the direction of my studies, career, and/or my life.

I understand that as of this date this program if taught live in person or via live webinar or teleclass, counts toward coach-specific hours that can be used when applying for my ACC, PCC or MCC status through the International Coaching Federation.  You or your trainer can verify this as accurate by opening the Portfolio applications on the ICF for the various accrediting you are seeking: ACC, PCC or MCC.

I understand that the coach, coach trainer, instructing and training you, or whose company this is, is not responsible if they International Coaching Federation changes the policy after the above date.

I understand that I do not need ICF accreditation to coach unless otherwise stated by my government.

This program, company and the instructor can change their policies at any time.

If I have questions about anything in this agreement I may contact Universal Coach Institute at or call +1 843-212-6824