
  • evening primrose oil in skincare

    Evening Primrose Oil: Does It Help Skin?

    Using evening primrose oil to ease your PMS? Don’t bother. Science says it doesn’t work. Bummer, I know. But this oil is far from useless. It does wonders for your skin. Listen up (or read on… whatever…): What Is Evening Primrose Oil? Evening primrose (or oenothera biennia, to use its full scientific name) is a beautiful […]

  • hydroquinone vs kojic acid for skin-lightening

    Should You Use Hydroquinone Or Kojic Acid?

    Want to fade dark spots? You’ve heard that hydroquinone is the gold standard… and the devil. Isn’t there something less irritating? Kojic Acid may be it. But… wouldn’t that work more slowly? There’s always a trade off. That’s why you need to get clear on what’s most important to you and which skin-lightener can give […]

  • Does Vitamin E Heal Scars?

    I’ll tell you a secret. Vitamin E has many superpowers. It hydrates your skin, fights offs wrinkles, and even boosts sun protection. But healing scars? Contrary to legend, that’s something it CAN’T do. Here’s why: Why You Shouldn’t Use Vitamin E On Scars I know, I know, everyone is telling you that Vitamin E is […]

  • gold in skincare

    Gold In Skincare: Is It Worth Its Weight?

    Did you know Diane De Poitiers was 20 years older than her royal lover, King Henry II of France? Yet, they looked the SAME age. Her secret? Gold. Diane drank a cuppa every day. Gold is the same shiny colour as the sun and, like the sun, it was thought to give you life. Youth. […]

  • can you use your child's sunscreen

    Is Talc Dangerous?

    Growing up, talc was a staple in my house. My mum would dust the powder on me and my sister after a bath. I don’t think we liked it much because when we became old enough to have baths on our own, we stopped using it. But talc didn’t give up on me. It sneakily came […]