
  • diet change for healthy skin olive oil

    4 Skincare Uses For Olive Oil: How Does It Benefit Skin?

    Disclaimer: I’m Italian = biased. I was raised on olive oil. In Italy, it’s the only oil you use for cooking. You drizzle it on everything. Salads, bruschetta, pizza… Don’t even get me started on people who use canola oil or vegetable oil. Like, no. Please, get yourself a bottle of olive oil. It’ll change […]

  • skinceuticals ha intensifier

    Hyaluronic Acid Skincare Benefits: Do You Need It?

    Hyaluronic Acid is my skincare hero. Whenever my skin gets a little dry and flaky, I just have to put out an SOS and it comes to save the day. Within a few short days, my skin is back to its soft, plumpy self. Thanks, Hyaluronic Acid! His super power? A big moisture magnet. When […]

  • dr dennis gross hyaluronic marine oil free moisture cushion

    What does alcohol-free mean?

    I learned the hard way you don’t want alcohol in your skincare. I was 15 years old. Just as beauty obsessed as I am now. But, a lot less savvy. I had just started to put together a skincare routine for my skin and had heard toner was a must (I later learned it’s not). […]

  • mineral oil myths debunked

    5 Myths About Mineral Oil You Should Stop Believing Now

    You know how it goes. A jealous person spreads a juicy rumour. Everyone believes it because it’s so scary, who wants to take the risk if it turns out to be true? Then, the truth comes out. But, it’s too late. It doesn’t matter what the maligned guy says or does to prove his innocence, […]