
  • Natural Preservatives in Skincare Products: Are They Really Safer?

    Preservatives are a necessary evil. If you don’t want fuzzy little bacteria to grow in your fave moisturizer, you need to use some sort of poison (for them, not us) to kill them off. But, why do brands have to use stuff that releases formaldehyde or parabens, I hear you ask? Can’t they use something […]

  • vitamin d in skincare

    Can You Get Your Vitamin D Fix From A Cream?

    Can you get your Vitamin D fix from a cream? Getting it from foods is hard. Barely any have it! The sun gives you plenty – together with wrinkles and dark spots. A supplement seems like the safest bet, but what if you don’t like to pop a pill? It’s tempting to turn to the […]

  • Parabens Are Safe: Why Science Says You Shouldn’t Fear Them

    You know how everybody says parabens are dangerous? I don’t agree with them. Me loves some parabens. What Are Parabens? Parabens is a family of ingredients based on parahydroxybenzoic acid. Its members, like in any other family, are closely related and have lots of stuff in common. But, each one of them also has its […]

  • cyberderm-sun-whip-sunscreens

    What Are The Best Sunscreen Ingredients?

    Sunscreen gave you a bad rash? Still got a sunburn after a few hours in the sun? So many sunscreens aren’t up to the job. Their UV filters are either irritating as hell or are so unreliable, they stop working within a couple of hours. But how can you tell which ones you can trust? […]

  • ensulizole

    What’s Ensulizole And Why Is It In My Sunscreen?

    Chances are you’ve never heard of Ensulizole. But what if I told you it’s in almost every chemical sunscreen you’ve ever used in your life? Truth bomb: the safest, hardest-working ingredients are often the ones that don’t get any press. Time to fix that, don’t you think? Here’s all you need to know about Ensulizole […]