sunumbra daily spf 15

Isn’t SPF 15 a bit too low for daily wear?

That’s the question that popped into my mind when I heard Sunumbra was releasing a new sunscreen called Daily SPF 15.

I get what they’re doing. The lower the SPF, the lighter the texture. No greasy mask on your face. No white cast. But does that compromise protection?

It depends. There’s a time and a place for SPF 15 in your skincare routine, too. Here’s what I mean:

What’s In Sunumbra Daily SPF 15?


Like all Sunumbra sunscreens, Daily SPF 15 uses zinc oxide (9%, non-nano, non-coated).

This white mineral protects ON ITS OWN from the entire UV range. Plus, it’s so gentle, even babies can use it.

You’ve probably heard that zinc oxide creates a shield on the skin that reflects UV light away from it. That’s only partially true. It deals with some UV rays that way, I’ll give you that.

But for the most part, it acts like every other UV filter: it absorbs UV rays and converts them into a less damaging form of energy (heat).

The catch? Zinc oxide can leave a white cast behind. And its thick texture can feel greasy on the skin. Maybe it’s because there’s not too much here, but this sunscreen feels nice and clear to the touch.

Related: 5 Myths About Mineral Sunscreen You Need To Stop Believing Right Now


Did you know that antioxidants help boost the effectiveness of your sunscreen?

Here’s the deal: SPF 15 blocks only 93% of UV rays. The remaining 7% penetrates into your skin, generating free radicals. It’s the first step of a chain reaction that leads to wrinkles, dark spots and, in the worst case scenario, cancer.

That’s where antioxidants come in. The skin’s police, these little molecules patrol the body looking for free radicals to destroy. The more antioxidants you use, the more free radicals damage you can avoid.

Sunumbra Daily SF 15 is loaded with antioxidants. Here are the highlights:

Related: Is Superoxide Dismutase The Most Powerful Antioxidant Of All?

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For a zinc oxide-based sunscreen, the texture is so lightweight. It feels a bit waxy, but it takes only a minute to absorb, and doesn’t leave neither a greasy residue nor a white cast behind. Phew!


It’s fragrance-free.

How To Use It


Apply at least 1/3 of a teaspoon for the face and neck and a small glass shot for the body. Reapply regularly (at least every couple of hours in the sun).

P.S. Pat, don’t rub. When you rub sunscreen in, you’re actually rubbing some of it OFF your skin!

sunumbra daily spf15

Performance & Personal Opinion

Sunumbra Daily SPF 15 is one of the most aesthetically pleasing mineral sunscreens I’ve tried.

It’s not as runny as Asian sunscreens, but it’s not as thick as toothpaste either. You can pile it on without feeling like you’re wearing a thick mask of grease.

On my pale skin, the white texture leaves no cast behind either. Of course I apply sunscreen afterwards, but not because I need to disguise the Caspar-like cast.

Talking about makeup, this sunscreen makes a good base for it. What it can’t replace is moisturiser. If you have dry skin, slather it on before you apply anything else.

But how does it protect from UV rays? SPF 15 may be the minimum dermatologists recommend, but it’s incredibly low.

It’s enough for daily use in winter when the sun hides under thick clouds and goes bad to sleep after a few short hours. But come summer, you’ll need much higher protection.

Who Is This For?

  • Normal skin
  • Combination skin
  • Anyone who’s looking for a winter sunscreen

Who Is This Not For?

  • Dry skin
  • Anyone looking for a summer or beach sunscreen


Sunumbra Daily SPF 15 comes in a bright orange and blue tube. It’s both hygienic and practical.

Does Sunumbra Daily SPF 15 Live Up To Its Claims?

A light, non-whitening, moisturising, DAILY sunscreen that provides excellent balanced protection from both the UVA and UVB rays, as well as antioxidants to fight off free radicals that bombard us every day. It’s not moisturising, but everything else is true.
Can be used by anyone with dietary, environment or sensitive skin concerns. Yes – unless you’re allergic to one of the ingredients.
Active natural skin nutrients and antioxidants to help reverse the effects of radiation damage. Some antioxidants can soothe UV-rays induced inflammation. Just don’t expect them to get rid of wrinkles or dark spots.
Sunumbra daily is made exclusively from natural and organic ingredients. It is the unique combination of these ingredients that has enabled the total replacement of harmful chemicals to be found in many sunscreens.  There are NO harmful chemicals in sunscreens. This is just fearmongering.

Price & Availability

$23.70 at Sunumbra

Do You Need It?

If you live in a place where the winters are long and gloomy, Sunumbra Daily SPF 15 may provide all the sun protection you need in the colder months.

Dupes & Alternatives


Zinc oxide (non-nano, non-coated) 9%, De-ionised water; Cape chestnut (Calodendrum capense) seed oil*;sorbitan olivate and cetearyl olivate**; ascorbyl glucoside (Vit C)*; galactoarabinan**; Aspen (populous tremuloides) bark extract *; superoxide dismutase*;  aloe ferox extract***; kigelia extract***; tyrosine*; allantoin*; nicotinamide (Vit B3)*

KEY:  * 100% Natural    ** Eco-certified organic   *** Wild sourced