
  • best sunburn products

    What Are The Best Products To Treat A Sunburn?

    Got a sunburn? It happens to everyone. You just need to get your guard down with sunscreen for one hour and already your skin is turning an itchy shade of lobster red. Ouch! You’ll be more careful next time, I know. But, right now, get out of the sun and slather a soothing cream on […]

  • treat a sunburn naturally

    3 Natural Sunburn Remedies That Really Work (And One That Doesn’t)

    Got a sunburn? You can turn to corticosteroids to reduce the inflammation. It’s what the doctor would recommend. It’s also pretty harsh. Isn’t there a gentler way to heal this thing fast? You’re in luck. Mother Nature has given us plenty of natural sunburn remedies – and they’re scientifically approved too! Here are three natural, […]

  • how to soothe an itchy sunburn

    Why Sunburns Itch (And How To Soothe Them)

    The worst thing about sunburns? The itch. Like, it’s non-stop. You just want to scratch the whole damn thing off, but that just makes things worse. *sighs* What’s a girl to do? Why Do Surnburns Itch? An itch is a sensation that arises from an irritation. It’s your skin’s way of letting you know that […]