steam facial good for skin

Have you ever steamed your face?

Come on now, I now you did. We all did.

Like most of you, I first heard about steam facials from a magazine (it was in the pre-internet days – do you still remember those?). The article said that steam was this awesome thing that opened up the pores, making it easier to remove all the crap that accumulates in them every day.

Remember those pimples you’d always get before that a date with your crush or the day before the yearly class photoshoot? You’d do anything to get rid of them.

Boiling a pot of water, covering your head with a towel, and placing your face above said pot didn’t seem particularly weird. Not that it was something you would do in front of another human being (the horror!), but it wasn’t one of the weirdest things you tried in the name of beauty – like, you know, putting toothpaste on a pimple.

Did it work? I never could tell. It seemed to do some good, but whether it was the placebo effect or not, who could say?

Well, I couldn’t then, but I can now. Here’s what science says about steam facials:

Can Steam Facials Open Pores?

Nothing can open pores.

You can stretch pores. Excess oil, dead cells, and anything else that gets stuck in them stretches them, making them look larger. Oily skin is more prone to this, just because it produces more oil (unfair, I know!).

But open (or close, for that matter) pores? Nope. Pores aren’t doors. They don’t open nor close. Their size is genetically determined and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Unless your pores are being stretched by gunk. If you get rid of it, your pores will shrink…. to their genetically determined size!

Related: 3 Science-Backed Ways To Shrink Large Pores

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Steam Facial Benefits For Skin

If steam facials can’t open pores, what the heck can they do? Have we all been steaming our faces in vain? Maybe not…

1. Steam Helps Skincare Products Better Penetrate Skin

What steam really does is soften skin. When skin is softened, it’s more permeable. That’s a fancy way of saying your skincare products can penetrate the skin more easily. The deeper they go, the better – and faster – they work.

You don’t have to steam your face for hours on end, either. Studies show that using a steam towel for even just 5 minutes does the trick.

Related: 4 Ways To Enhance The Penetration Of Skincare Products

2. Steam Increases Blood Flow

Ok, this isn’t exactly a benefit of steam itself, but of the heat that generates it. Basically, heating skin increases blood flow and that helps bring nutrients and oxygen to the skin. This is SO important for its health: it helps skin fight off infections and the bacteria it comes in contact with.

Do Steam Facials Have Any Side Effects?

Yes. Remember how I mentioned that steam can make skincare products better penetrate skin? Well, there’s a catch.

Steam is able to do that only because it disrupts the skin’s protective barrier. That’s not really a good thing. When this barrier is compromised, your skin becomes dry and more prone to irritations.

Don’t get me wrong. You won’t destroy your skin if you steam it once. Just don’t do it every day. Once a week is more than enough.

And, don’t overdo it! If the steam is too hot, or you steam your face for too long, you could burn yourself. Ouch!

One more thing. If you have acne or sensitive skin, never steam your face without discussing it with your doctor first. I know it seems like a silly thing, but better be safe than sorry, no?

The Bottom Line

Steam may help skincare products better penetrate skin, but that comes at the expense of the skin’s protective barrier. No more steaming for this girl. If you want to keep on doing it, do it carefully.