
  • 4 Skincare Myths Busted!

    Learning how to take good care of your skin is hard enough. It gets even harder when you’re constantly bombarded with misleading advice and overblown marketing claims to make you splurge on products you don’t need and waste time with things that don’t work. That’s why today I’m going to bust 4 of these common […]

  • avene hydrance rich hydrating cream

    Do Anti-Aging Creams Work?

    Do anti-aging creams work? I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of anti aging creams I’ve tried that really do. Feel the same? Oh, everything promises to rid you of wrinkles and turn the clock back 10 years. And most of the creams deliver… for a few hours. Then those pesky […]

  • smile lines

    Smile Lines: How To Treat And Prevent Them

    Worried about smiling for fear you’ll get smile lines? Don’t. A smile is the best beauty treatment there is. Nothing like happiness to make you look beautiful. But… smile lines are real. Repetitive facial movements do leave lines on your face. Stop smiling isn’t an option, so what can you really do to prevent and […]

  • How To Choose The Right Cleanser For Your Skin Type

    Do you spend more time putting your makeup on than taking it off? If so, you’re doing it wrong. I know, cleansers are the most boring products on earth, and taking makeup off a chore you could gladly do without. But, cleansing your skin, both at night and in the morning, is NOT negotiable. Cleansing […]

  • The Ultimate Guide To Determine Your Skin Type (+ Quick Test!)

    Do you know how to determine your skin type? If you don’t, that could be the source of all your skincare problems. Here’s what I mean… I remember the day I bought my first moisturizer. I spent ages exploring all the little jars and bottles on the shelves of my local supermarket, trying to decide which […]

  • what to do when you get your first wrinkle

    What To Do When You Get Your First Wrinkle?

    Where the heck do you come from?! I literally woke up one morning with huge lines around my eyes. Ok, they weren’t huge huge. More like the faintest hint of crow’s feet. But I was only 25. It was the first time I ever saw a wrinkle on my face. I totally freaked out. Can […]