
  • foaming cleansers bad for oily skin

    Are Foaming Cleansers Bad For Your Skin?

    “I’ve given up on foaming cleansers,” a friend announced the other day. “Caroline Hirons said they’re not good for your skin.” I’m not as drastic as Caroline, but she has a point. If a cleanser dries out your skin, it’s usually a foaming one. If it leaves your skin feeling tight, ditto. There’s enough to […]

  • diet change for healthy skin nuts

    5 Delicious Diet Changes I Made For Beautiful, Glowy Skin

    My teens and early 20s were the worst years of my life. The only good thing about them? I could eat whatever crap I wanted and still have a lot of energy. Not anymore. Since I’ve turned the big 3-0, I’ve noticed that I get tired a little faster. I put on weight a little […]

  • copper pillows skincare

    Can Copper Pillows Prevent Wrinkles?

    Myth or truth: can a copper pillow prevent wrinkles? FYI, I’m not talking of a copper-coloured pillow (phew, I like my pink 😉 ). I’m talking about pillows made out of copper oxide fibers. Yes, that’s a thing. When I first heard it, I was like, “that must be so bloody fake! What the heck […]

  • I Went On The Low Glycemic Diet And It Transformed My Skin

    I’ve always been allergic to diets. Atkins. Dukan. Vegan. Never tried them. I don’t like it when others tell me what NOT to eat (and why is that ALWAYS sugar? Can’t someone come up with a diet without broccoli and garlic for once?). This Italian has always eaten the Mediterranean way. Plenty of fruits and […]

  • skincare routine for acne and aging skin

    The Best Skincare Routine For Aging AND Acne-Prone Skin

    Who said that acne is only for teenagers? Sometimes, it sneaks up on you as soon as you hit menopause. Other times, it’s more impatient and gets you in your 30s. Like you hadn’t enough on your plate already. Wrinkles, anyone?… How the heck do you deal with both at the same time? If you […]