the ordinary

  • best salicylic acid exfoliants

    What Are The Best Salicylic Acid Exfoliants?

    “I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get rid of blackheads and acne but nothing works. Help!” I get this a lot. Sephora is loaded with products that promise to get rid of blackheads, kick acne in the butt, and keep your oily skin under control. But 99% of them DON’T have what it takes to do the […]

  • the ordinary granactive retinoid 5% in squalane 02%

    From Retinol To Granactive Retinoid: Should You Make The Switch?

    Can I tell you a secret? I wouldn’t use The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 5% in Squalane in my skincare routine. There, I said it. No, it’s not because it’s not good. I just see it as a step back for everyone who’s been on the retinol train for a long while. Here’s what I mean: […]

  • use rosehip oil

    How To Use Rosehip Oil: All Your Questions, Answered

    How the heck do you use rosehip oil? I kid you not, this is the #1 question in my inbox right now. It’s my bad. I’ve been raving about rosehip oil for months. It’s my go-to for every skin woe. Whether a pimple has reared its ugly head on my chin, my retinol serum has […]

  • best skincare products with copper peptides

    What Are The Best Products With Copper Peptides?

    I’m jumping on the copper peptides bandwagon. I admit I was hesitant at first. Research was scant and the prices outrageous. I’m not gonna shell out 100+ for something I’m not even sure works. But in the past year, resisting the temptation was harder and harder. For one, new studies are coming out proving that […]

  • the ordinary mandelic acid 10 + HA

    The Complete Guide To The Ordinary Exfoliating Products

    Stop exfoliating your skin so much. I repeat, stop exfoliating your skin so much. I’m serious. In the past few months, I’ve lost count of how many of you asked for my help because your skin was all dry and irritated. When I asked what you were using, it always turned out you were using […]