controversial ingredients

  • Why Is There Snail Slime In My Skincare Products?!

    Say what?! There’s snail slime in my skincare products?! Eww! *throws them all away* Ok, not really. That was my first instinct. Because snail slime = gross. Who the heck wants to use it? Koreans. Of course. They’ve heard the Chilean farmers who grow snails for food have super smooth hands. Their cuts heal faster […]

  • cyberderm-every-morning-sun-whip-spf25

    Octinoxate In Sunscreen: Does It Really Cause Cancer?

    Another day, another UV filter that gets a bad rep. Seriously, if you were to believe the rumours going around about UV filters, you’d just skip sunscreen and call it a day. And then wonder why all of a sudden you have wrinkles creeping up on your face left, right and centre… You need sunscreen. […]

  • petrolatum in skincare

    The Truth About Petrolatum In Skincare: Is It Really Safe?

    Is Petrolatum in skincare as bad as they say it is? A quick Google search brings up all kinds of evils: Petrolatum gives you acne. Worse, it gives you cancer, too. And it makes you age faster. Is all this true or is Petrolatum blamed only for the sins of its father, petroleum? Here’s what […]

  • if you can't pronounce it myth

    If You Can’t Pronounce It, Should You Put It On Your Skin?

    “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it on your skin.” Says everyone who showers with dihydrogen monoxide every single day. Dihydro… what?! Water. Dihydrogen monoxide is another name for water. If you’re so committed to not using things you can’t pronounce, you shouldn’t even wash your face. Do you see how absurd this thing […]

  • gold in skincare

    Gold In Skincare: Is It Worth Its Weight?

    Did you know Diane De Poitiers was 20 years older than her royal lover, King Henry II of France? Yet, they looked the SAME age. Her secret? Gold. Diane drank a cuppa every day. Gold is the same shiny colour as the sun and, like the sun, it was thought to give you life. Youth. […]

  • can you use your child's sunscreen

    Is Talc Dangerous?

    Growing up, talc was a staple in my house. My mum would dust the powder on me and my sister after a bath. I don’t think we liked it much because when we became old enough to have baths on our own, we stopped using it. But talc didn’t give up on me. It sneakily came […]