
  • is witch hazel good for skin

    Skincare Ingredients I Avoid And Why (Hint: They’re Not The Usual Culprits)

    Warning: this is NOT your usual toxic skincare ingredients to avoid list. You won’t find the usual suspects here. I won’t tell you to avoid silicones, parabens and mineral oil. Those are all perfectly fine (but they did make it onto my Top 7 Unfairly Maligned Ingredients). The truth is there’s nothing in your skincare that’s […]

  • the ordinary resveratol and ferulic acid 01

    The Key Antioxidant Your Vitamin C Serum Must Contain

    Is Ferulic acid good for skin? Does your vitamin C serum has ferulic acid? Ferul… what?! I hear ya, ferulic acid isn’t as famous as other antioxidants.  But, it’s one of Vitamin C’s BFF (the other is Vitamin E). You REALLY need to use these three musketeers of skincare together. You know what BFFs are […]

  • peter thomas roth un-wrinkle peel pads 01

    Retinyl Palmitate: Best Retinol Alternative For Sensitive Skin?

    Is retinyl palmitate a gentle and safe alternative to retinol for sensitive skin? Are you a woman who wants to use retinol but the littlest sprinkle turns your skin into a red, itchy, painful mess? Retinol is one of those antiaging divas sensitive skin can’t stand. Dare to put them in touch and it’ll repay […]

  • argireline botox in a jar

    Is Argireline Botox In A Bottle (What The Science Says)?

    Is Argireline Botox in a bottle? This popular peptides hooks you in with the promise of freezing your wrinkles, just like Botox does – but without the needle and the high price tag. Raise your hand if you’d love that to be true – I mean, who wouldn’t want to use a serum and watch […]

  • treat acne scars

    Is Benzoyl Peroxide Good For Acne?

    Is Benzoyl Peroxide good for acne? Depending on whom you ask, you’ll get a different answer: “Got acne? You need to try benzoyl peroxide. It’s just the thing to make it disappear fast. It did wonders for me.” “Are you crazy?! Don’t listen to her. Everyone knows benzoyl peroxide is dangerous. It’s irritating as hell […]