beauty myths

  • shaving myth

    Does Shaving Make Hair Grow Thicker?

    Does shaving makes your hair grow back thicker? I’ve been asking myself this question lately because I’ve always shaved. When those fuzzy little hair started appearing early on in puberty, my mind quietly handed me a razor and showed me how to use it to get my smooth legs back. Since then, shaving has been […]

  • 6 Anti-aging Myths, Busted!

    Can we talk about anti-aging myths for a second? I don’t know about you, but I’m so tired of false promises and bogus claims blown up of all proportions: 🤥 “Better than Botox!” 🤥 “Exercise those facial muscles, like you would your abs!”. 🤥 “Moisturize daily and you’ll look 10 years younger”. That’s just some […]

  • 4 Skincare Myths Busted!

    Learning how to take good care of your skin is hard enough. It gets even harder when you’re constantly bombarded with misleading advice and overblown marketing claims to make you splurge on products you don’t need and waste time with things that don’t work. That’s why today I’m going to bust 4 of these common […]

  • acne mistakes

    5 Acne Mistakes You May Not Know You’re Making (And How To Fix Them)

    WTH? Why are you still there?! You’ve tried everything. You’re washing your face 10 times a day and scrubbing it like there’s no tomorrow, but your acne just. Won’t. Budge. Even popping those damn pimples won’t work. For every one you kill, two more spring up. It’s a curse! Being harsh on your skin isn’t […]

  • skinceuticals ha intensifier

    Medical Grade Skincare VS Over-The-Counter Skincare: Which One Is Better?

    Is “medical-grade skincare” better than your regular, over-the-counter products you can buy at the drugstore? Social media thinks so. You can’t scroll through Instagram these days without coming across aestheticians singing the praises of (usually outrageously expensive) clinical products… and making you feel like you’re missing out if you can’t afford the splurge. This is […]

  • cerave hydrating cleanser

    Are You Removing Sunscreen The Right Way?

    Do you really need a special cleanser to remove sunscreen? Rumour has it that only oil-based cleansers can melt those stubborn UV filters away. Does that mean you have layers of sunscreen still clogging your pores?! Do You Need An Oil-Based Cleanser To Remove Sunscreen? Good news: you don’t need an oil-based cleanser to remove […]