Learning Model

Learn by Doing

UCI students learn by the process of “learn by doing” or experiential learning. The learn by doing approach allows students to experience the coaching techniques taught before using on clients. Learning by doing is called “experiential learning” because it is based on learning from experiences.

Flipped Learning Model for Live Webinar and Teleseminar Classes

Flipped Learning is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content (which is usually disseminated through classroom lectures) at home, online. The flipped classroom model moves class lectures away from class time and into online delivery outside of the classroom. Class time is used instead for practice and application of the material covered in online delivery. Ideally, the teacher uses class time to help students with specific problems through interaction, rather than through lecturing. The flipped classroom is also known as a backwards classroom, reverse instruction, and reverse teaching.

At UCI students first, study the topic by themselves at home and typically using audio, video, or reading lessons prepared by the instructor. In class, students apply the knowledge by participating in exercises, solving problems and doing practical work. The instructor guides the students when they become stuck, rather than imparting the initial lesson in person. Complementary techniques we may use include differentiated instruction and project-based learning. Our flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work where students learn a topic through application, asking questions, and interacting with each other. Students also collaborate in class time and help each other, a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners.