Comments on: 6 Tips To Build Self-Esteem So You Can Achieve Anything You Want Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 19 Jan 2020 13:58:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:11:18 +0000 In reply to Poonpo.

Poonpo, glad you enjoyed the post. And that is a very dangerous habit. We should learn to focus more on ourselves rather than on others and how they look or what they do. Easier said that done I know.

By: Poonpo Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:45:26 +0000 Really you have mentioned everything truth ! I loved your points that you have mentioned , building self esteem is very important , but we keep on comparing ourselves with others and sometimes feel low !!

By: beautifulwithbrains Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:47:15 +0000 In reply to Janessa.

Janessa, I’m sorry facebook has been giving you problems. I really can’t stand facebook and use it as little as possible, it never seems to work! So frustrating.

I’ve had bad-self esteem for decades and still have issues today too so I can sympathize with you. I’m glad that you met such a wonderful teacher that made you look at things differently. It is so true that even a small thing can change someone’s life and do a lot of good, both to the giver and the receiver.

Eating healthily is something I’ve always struggled with too. I love chocolates, biscuits, sweets too and it’s so hard to give them up. But I’m getting better with age and trying to change my diet slowly by gradually decreasing the amount of sweets I eat and increasing that of vegs and fruits. It is actually working very well. I think if you do it gradually, it becomes a lot easier and before you know it, you won’t be so tempted or even feel the need to reach for the chocolate so often. However, I do eat a bit of chocolate every day. If the quantity is small, it won’t harm you and let’s face it, it does make you feel better 🙂

I don’t really think that you’re philosophy is that bad. If you live life to the full, you won’t have many regrets and wonder what if. Just as long as you don’t use it as an excuse to eat too much chocolate lol. 😉

And aww thank you! 😳

By: Janessa Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:44:54 +0000 Facebook has been acting dumb lately. Even though I’m logged in, I can’t like your page without logging in again and after I refresh the page, I don’t even know if my ‘like’ was counted! >:[
I’ve been doing #’s 3,5,6 for about 3 years now! I’ve always had bad self-esteem. I can recall times from my pre-K and kindergarten years where I’ve felt bad for who I was. About four years ago, I had one of the greatest teachers ever and she taught me to be aware of others’ feelings and even a small good deed can change someone’s day. So I’ve always been helping out whenever I can since.
Three years ago, I’ve started to do what I was good at and as for eating healthy, I don’t necessarily do that even now, but I don’t drink soda and I don’t eat a lot of junk food. However, I do think I eat a lot of sweets like cookies, ice cream, madeleine’s, brownies, sweetbreads, some chocolate.
I have a ‘bad’ idea I live by (sort of), actually two or more ideas, that I switch back and forth on. So here it goes: 1) What if today’s my last? 2) Am I going to look back a few years from now and say I was just doing homework? 3) Thirty years later and you’ve never [example] froze a cookie before?
Hahaha. It isn’t exactly a good belief but I do follow it.
Whoopee! Another day with beautifulwithbrains! You’ve sure got that name correct. 😀

By: beautifulwithbrains Mon, 12 Dec 2011 18:41:48 +0000 In reply to Viv.

Viv, I really agree. It comes with time and you make so many mistakes and take lots of knocks along the way. You just wanna help children, but you also have to let them handle things by themselves or they’ll never learn and achieve self-esteem. It’s hard but worthwhile in the end.

By: Viv Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:45:18 +0000 All great advice, and yes, it comes with age. One of the interesting things about watching children grow is watching their self esteem develop – and one hurts for them so much when they take knocks!
