Comments on: When Does Sun Damage Start To Appear? Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:03:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Star Fri, 26 Jun 2020 14:23:40 +0000 Hi Gio! I am quite happy with my skincare routine and, at 43, my skin looks pretty good. I have a few freckles from back when I used to play on California beaches as a child sans sunscreen. Once I hit my teens, however, I stopped sunbathing and wore sunscreens. I recently lost my Holy Grail sunscreen though since the company was bought by a big conglomerate and their products have been ruined. I have a 50 SPF hat, but am afraid to try a new sunscreen which won’t upset my very sensitive skin and/or clog my pores/break me out. I can’t use things like beeswax or dimethicones without major pore-clogging issues. Perfumes are also an issue. I do like natural products best. I’m considering a moisturizer/sunscreen by a company called, “Antipodes” and it has some wonderful ingredients in it. The thing that concerns me about it is that it says it is “Brightening” due to some kiwi seed and grape seed extracts/.oils in it. I worry this could upset my sensitive facial skin. I’m looking for a light-textured but effective sunscreen and someone told me it would be best to use a moisturizer-sunscreen combination for that. Do you know any good sunscreens for someone like me?

By: H Wed, 13 Jan 2016 16:04:37 +0000 In reply to Janessa.

Seems like a pretty good sunscreen, even though I prefer 100% mineral. Dermatologists don’t recommend chemical sunscreen for skin that tends to freckle/spot, or is hyperpigmentation or rosacea prone. Chemical sunscreens can make those conditions worse. Pale people tend to have a lot of those problems. Because of what you describe, it would be healthier, and if you don’t reapply throughout the day,you should go for a completely mineral sunscreen.Hope this helps. I’m a teen, (15) and wear sunscreen (mineral) too!

By: beautifulwithbrains Thu, 11 Oct 2012 06:16:34 +0000 In reply to Victoria.

That’s true. Luckily we now how to protect ourselves now.

By: beautifulwithbrains Thu, 11 Oct 2012 06:12:05 +0000 In reply to Vivi.

Vivi, I’m sorry to hear the sun has damaged your skin is so badly. It is really a pity that we weren’t told about how harmful it could be sooner. Sunbathing (and even sunburning) was normal back then and noone thought much of it. *sighs*

Oh well, at least by using sunscreen now we can prevent more damage from happening and I hope that you find a treatment that works well for your melasma.

By: Vivi Thu, 11 Oct 2012 03:57:53 +0000 great article!

I used to play a lot out in the sun when I was a kid, too, and was always out swimming from 10 AM- 1:00 PM when the sun’s UV index is supposedly at its peak. I never applied sunscreen as a child and I got sunburnt a lot but never thought much of it.

When I turned 20, I started to develop uneven skin tone. Looking back at my college photos, I realized I started to get fine lines on the corners of my eyes quite early, too! Now, I’m battling very deep pigmentations that don’t respond to topical treatments. They aren’t too obvious but upon closer inspection, one can see that I have maps all over my face, especially on my forehead and on my temples (it’s melasma). Yes, it’s part hormonal but it might never have happened if only I was diligent with my sunscreen or never sun-baked myself when I was much younger.

By: Victoria Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:22:28 +0000 In reply to beautifulwithbrains.

No kidding! At least we know now and take steps to prevent even more damage 🙂
