Comments on: The Ultimate Guide To Determine Your Skin Type (+ Quick Test!) Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Thu, 22 Apr 2021 06:44:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Tue, 14 Jul 2020 09:10:29 +0000 In reply to May.

May, it sounds to me like your skin is dry. But we all have more sebaceous glands on my nose, so it’s possible that a moisturiser or something else you’re using there is clogging pores.

Unfortunately, when the blackheads are too old, the mixture inside is so sticky, it won’t budge with products. You need manual extractions.

By: May Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:59:29 +0000 Hello Gio, I don’t understand what my skin type is. I have dry skin, it feels tight and it’s sometimes flaky especially on the nose area. I have little to no sebum even after hours after washing my face, it’s never oily even when it wake up or after a long day, yet I have a lot of very stubborn blackheads on the nose. I tried various acids even the bha one from Paula choice but they just won’t go away. I went to the dermatologist and she assumed I have combination skin because of the blackheads. She gave me some products for blackheads but of course it doesn’t work, like everything else. I also tried sulgzr mask on my nose, doesn’t work either. The blackheads disappear only for a few hours. Is it possible that I do have combination skin even though I don’t have any oil/sebum on my face?

By: Gio Fri, 12 Jun 2020 07:58:27 +0000 In reply to Kavya Mandala.

Kavya, check out this post on how to deal with dry skin and acne:

If you need more help, you can also book a skincare consultation:

By: Gio Fri, 12 Jun 2020 07:28:53 +0000 In reply to Emma.

Emma, it seems that your skin is oily and acne-prone. You can check out this post on how to deal with adult acne:

By: Kavya Mandala Thu, 28 May 2020 07:15:56 +0000 ]]> Hi Gio, My skin became very dry (flaky and stretchy) in past 2 year winters, which happened for first time in my life. I thought it because of the region (non humid) for which I shifted. Before that I used live in humid region (almost about 22 yrs) and skin type is normal all through the years (also in winters). I got my acne at the age of 16 and it still continues. My skin feels normal. My acne normally occurs especially around under my eyes on my cheeks and on my forehead. But I am in dilemma to use products for acne and for left over marks from ages or skin care. Because I left with ? As all they claim “acne is related for oily skin”. But I never felt my skin as oily or shiny. I totally don’t know what to do. Now I am 24.. left with pinkish and some light brown marks on my cheeks. Please help me dear 🙏

By: Emma Fri, 22 May 2020 16:33:56 +0000 So my skin type I dont know rlly what it is – it can get oily some days but not too oily but I do get lots of breakouts and lots of pimples nd they just wont go away! I can’t book a consultation at the moment with you so can u please give me some advice? I’m thinkinf of buying the niacinimide 10% plus zinc 1% ordinary serum to help with my acne and dark spots but I dont rlly know if it will work or at least tame my acne? Any advice? x
