Comments on: Can I Use Coconut Oil As Sunscreen? Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Tue, 03 Nov 2020 07:42:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Thu, 16 Aug 2018 11:46:55 +0000 In reply to jake.

Jake, I do agree with you to a certain extent. It’s true that coverage in the media – and therefore what passes as truth – often depends on the interests of the people who own these channels. But, bringing it back to skincare, what’s the alternative? Not believe anything? Disregard science completely? I always try to look for studies funded by independent third-parties and, in the rare occasions when I can find only studies supported by manufacturers or someone else with a vested interest, I disclose it.

By: jake Wed, 08 Aug 2018 23:13:25 +0000 When it comes to ”science” I always wonder who sponsored the ”studies” that people so overwelmingly accept as fact just because someone labelled a ”scientist” allegedly conducted an experiment or series of. This is all based on the paradigm that a person with a particular label who went to a tertiary educational institute called a University (which is nothing compared to what Universities were in ancient times) and received a piece of paper labelled a ”degree” because he/she showed that they are highly capable of regurgitating what their lecturers threw at them, all out of something called the Syllabus (Indoctrination).
Insert here _____,_______,_______,_______,_________,_________ as many names of international sunblock manufacturers and you will get to my main point that, there is big money behind these ”studies” and the conclusions (the actual findings) belong to the sponsor whom, is able to bury OR cherry-pick details to sway the ignorant masses’ opinions Again … because an ”expert” was consulted.

Please refer to the following of Edward Bernays’ quotes, taken from one of his books (may have been ”Crystalizing Public Opinion”):

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

By: Gio Sat, 21 Jul 2018 19:09:46 +0000 In reply to Michael.

Michael, thanks for spotting that! I double checked and you’re right so I edited the post. Still, it’s highly inadequate. Every derm recommends at least SPF 15, especially in the summer.

By: Michael Sun, 15 Jul 2018 16:42:42 +0000 Actually, SPF 7 does not block 20% of the rays. You have your math wrong. After SPF 15, which blocks 96% of rays, SPF 30 blocks 97%, SPF 45 blocks 98%. SPF 7 blocks 80%.

By: Gio Thu, 05 Jul 2018 19:19:49 +0000 In reply to Rita.

Rita, there’s nothing wrong with using vitamin A in sunscreen. At the worst, sunlight would make vitamin A ineffective but it’s not bad forskin. You can find more about it here:

I wouldn’t formulate my sunscreen as that IS a minefield indeed but if I did, I’d add zinc oxide as it’s the best UV filter out there.

By: Rita Mon, 02 Jul 2018 22:48:25 +0000 Your article and comments left by others has given me some very interesting reading. I found your website by pure accident, researching natural sunscreen and how I was going to formulate my natural batch this year.
Last year, I made for the very first time my own formulated sunscreen. I was shocked and stunned by the results. I was impressed. Saying that, previously, for many years we had used mineral based natural sunscreens, but with recent studies of the use of titanium dioxide and then the confusion over either Nano or Non Nano zinc oxide, I was even more confused than ever. This is what pushed me to make my own.
However, I wanted to let you know that I used coconut oil as the base, with hemp seed oil, myrrh oil, hazelnut oil and bees wax. It worked to well. My husband is folically challenged and has a bald patch. He always gets burnt on top, along with his shoulders, especially when in the pool. Not only did he not get burnt, for the first time ever, he didn’t even have peeling. None of us did. Yes we did practice safe sun too. In the shade whenever possible, but when we are in the pool or walking around exploring, shade is not an option.
I will say that whether you choose the natural route or not, it is a mine field of confusion. Even going natural gives me cause for concern. So many natural oils and ingredients are rich in vitamin A (Retinyl palmitate). As we now know, this is bad as Vitamin A breaks down in sunlight, and forms free radicals in the presence of UVA and UVB radiation. So which natural ingredients are best. At least coconut oil does not contain vitamin A. Unfortunately the other oils such as Carrot seed oil and red raspberry, the highest natural SPF rated natural ingredients are also rich in vitamin A. So using these natural ingredients, Is it really safe?
As I said, it is a mine field. I am now researching the effects of Pomegranate oil. Once again not easy to research. In general it is written on many sites that there is no vitamin A, even though it is rich in antioxidants, whilst other claim that it is rich in vitamin A. Who do I believe?
It is not easy to know what to do for the best, but one thing is for sure, always practice safe sun.
