Comments on: Is Isopropyl Myristate Comedogenic? Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:24:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:41:16 +0000 In reply to AScientist.

AScientist, thanks for your comment. You make a very good point. I may get some and test it, although I’m afraid it may turn my skin into a war zone.

The purpose of this post wasn’t to scare people (I did say I think It’s perfectly fine for dry skin). I just find it odd that every time I use a cream with this ingredient, I end up with pimples. Take it out, no problems at all. Other ingredients don’t bother me so I don’t think that in my case, the penetration enhancing theory doesn’t hold water. But you’re right, the only way to find out for sure is to test it.

By: AScientist Sat, 11 Feb 2017 09:01:42 +0000 Two things!
Evidence suggests that isopropyl myristate *enhances the effects of other products with which it’s combined* – meaning it can increase the side effects from other things you might be allergic or hyposensitive too. Go back to the packets and have a look at what else is in there.
The other thing is that isopropyl myristate is easy to buy (I have some). If possible (which here it is), you should never dismiss a chemical or spread suspicion on it if you have the option of testing it. This is mostly because if someone has an extreme reaction, if isopropyl myristate is not the culprit they could put themselves at risk because of an idea they read that they then assumed was truth. So get hold of some and test it on you! If it isn’t harmful, you can easily use it up making your own cosmetics.

By: Gio Thu, 19 May 2016 08:55:19 +0000 In reply to Jade M.

Jade, glad you enjoyed it. All the experts say this doesn’t cause breakouts because there are no studies that support that claim. Yet, me and many others break out so badly whenever we use it. Definitely one to avoid if your skin is prone to breakouts!

By: Jade M Tue, 17 May 2016 12:06:31 +0000 This was a really interesting read! I pretty much break out no matter which product I use and I can never quite find the culprit! I’ve had a lot of luck with Eucerin’s DermoPurifyer Hydrating Care – it’s about the only thing I can safely use, and it doesn’t contain isopropyl myristate… Suspicious indeed. Thanks for a fantastic article 😀

By: beautifulwithbrains Thu, 07 Feb 2013 22:56:10 +0000 In reply to Janessa.

Janessa, it’s difficult to tell without seeing it in person but it sounds like post-inflammatoy hyperpigmentation, which is the red, pink or brown discoloration that’s present after a blemish has healed. If so, this should heal on its own overtime (ie several months). Is that the case? Is it smaller now than it was in October? In any case, you can accelerate the healing process by using an exfoliant with glycolic acid.

And isn’t olive oil amazing? It just removes everything without drying out skin. I’m glad you love it, and thanks for sharing the tip. 🙂

By: Janessa Wed, 06 Feb 2013 04:48:06 +0000 I just recently found out my new Shiseido spf 50 sunscreen has myristate in it? The box got thrown away so I don’t have the ingredients anymore. I tried looking it up, but I just see the old spf 55 ingredients list. So far, I have not broken out but I use Blue Lizard sensitive skin formula sunblock (I LOVE THIS) and then apply a little bit of the Shiseido one on top to mattify the greasy sunblock on my face (works so well).

I don’t break out that easily but I have had one giant nasty my chin months ago in October and it’s left a darkened mark there ever since. Advice?
I do think my old cleanser with myristate at the top of the list broke me out and left me with clogged pores. I stopped using it since the last post about ingredients you avoid and I think my skin’s been better.

Beauty trick I am in love with lately: Pour some EVOO on a cotton ball and then wet the cotton ball and use it to take off sunscreen or to just clean the face but leave it moisturized though not enough to skip a moisturizer. Warning: I don’t break out very easily and my problem, I’ve discovered as of late, are comodegenic ingredients clogging my pores.
SO. if you decide to try this (unless you already have), make sure EVOO doesn’t break you out. :O

Sorry I love your blog too much to not find some time to write.
